Email to Print


  • Guests

  • Students

  • Faculty/Staff

Compatible devices

All devices


  • Limited file types are available (e.g. Word, PDF, PPT)

  • This is the only guest printing method available.

This article describes how to use "Email to Print", which allows users to email attachments (e.g. PDF) to be printed on a BRHS printer.

Send an email message

  1. Compose an email message to one of the special email addresses (see Tech Help).

  2. Attach one more more files to be printed. Only attachments will be printed, all content from the body of the message will be ignored. File types allowed:

    1. PDF

    2. Word (.doc or .docx)

    3. PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx)

    4. Images (.jpg, .png, .heic)

  3. You will receive a confirmation email message back as soon as your job is received.

  4. Visit Tech Help to retrieve your print job.

  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Email to print directions.docx

Feb 26, 2024 by Chris McCoy