Remote access to the virtual desktops is provided for certain staff and student users. Any student enrolled in the following courses is automatically entitled:

Steps to connect

  1. Begin by navigating to

  2. Select VMware Horizon Client (software download) or VMware HTML Access (web browser only)

Horizon Client

This method is better for using Autodesk applications for Engineering and Adobe Creative Cloud applications for Journalism and Photography.

  1. Download the version of software that is meant for your personal computer (i.e. Windows, macOS)

  2. When prompted define the Server Address as:

  3. When inputting your credentials, use your complete email address in the username field.

HTML Access

This method is a much quicker way to access because it doesn't require any downloads. Make sure your browser is updated! Mobile browsers (iPhone, Android, etc.) don't always work.

When inputting your credentials, use your complete email address in the user name field.

Getting assistance

If you experience any trouble connecting, bring your personal device to the Tech Office for additional help.